This is devastating news and such immense sadness surrounds the passing of our friend, Bob. Unbelievable.
I got to know Bob while at Michigan and always enjoyed his intellect, wit, sense of humor, and devotion to the University of Michigan. As I’m typing this, I can’t believe he is no longer with us.
Scott, you are a devoted friend and I thank you for sharing everything with us from the memorial page to the funeral arrangements to the many contributions Bob made in his life through his pro bono work. Reading the e-mails from colleagues at his firm further affirmed his desire to help others and showed his devotion to their cause.
My heart goes out to all of Bob’s family and friends to whom he was very devoted, especially Shelley, Kim, Alex, his stepdaughters, Scott, John C., Mike C., and Dan.
I have fond memories of the 2010 Michigan-Ohio State game in Columbus and spending an incredible evening with Bob and a small group of our Wolverine friends sharing stories, life insights, reflections, and laughter. Later that evening, John Cole and I were part of an unforgettable conversation in which he revealed with openness and honesty his desire and commitment to continue to make himself a better person and be there for others.
He will be missed significantly.
Submitted by: Mike “Bo” Bovino